Hi, my name is

Badreddine Loulidi.

I am a software engineering student at Concordia University.

I love coding, learning new things and sports. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use.


I love frontend development and it feels very natural to me. I took a ui/ux class at university and I realised how important a great design can be in this industry. I became aware that there is a lot more to frontend than I thought.


The first language I learned was python. It was the language that made me interested in programming and it is also one I enjoy to this day. The first language I felt comfortable with was java, since it was the one we used in all my first year classes in university.


Figma and git are must-have tools for any developer. I learned about database and big data in one of my university electives and we used mySQL to make queries.

GuideMe - React Native Application

In an integrative project completed in my third year of university, my team and I had to design an application using React native that allows users to quickly find their way around the Concordia Campus. Listed below are some key features of the application:

  • Provides indoor/outdoor map directions to classes.
  • Provides directions to various points of interests such as coffee shops, restaurants, etc.
  • Allows users to connect their google calendar and filter their school schedule from there.
  • Allows users to check the live schedule of the shuttle bus that connects the two campuses together.

Databack - UI/UX Data Marketplace App Design

For my user interface design class, I made a beautiful and modern UI/UX design for a data marketplace application. The whole process involved researching the users' needs by using surveys, user journeys, user flows, sketches, wireframes and user personas. Here is a link to the project website: UI/UX Case Study.

My Personal Website

I created this website using basic HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. I was interested in web design and I wanted to practice by making a portfolio about myself.

Wash Optimization Recommendation Engine

For my final university project (Capstone), we developed a React web application that allows Power Factors' clients to get a recommendation when it is necessary to wash their solar panels. Dust and other small particles can greatly reduce the efficiency of solar panels. But when is the right time to wash them? It can cost more money to send someone to wash a solar panel then to leave it at a slightly reduced efficiency. Therefore, we created a recommendation engine that tells the client when is the right time to wash their solar panels. Listed below are some key features of the application:

  • Creates recommendations depending on various granularities (yearly/ monthly/ weekly).
  • Creates flexible recommendations for solar pants, solar plants, assets, etc.
  • The algorithm takes into consideration the energy loss, cost of washing, weather, energy price, etc.
  • Large scale project with a group of 9 developers made for a real company: Power Factors.

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